       The negative affect of Styrofoam is not less than Melamine.



White Terror — Styrofoam


小米 原著 / 原載 : 温暖人間 / 王希亮 中英編譯



       Styrofoam is called ecology killer, because of its great impact on environment. On the other hand, because it is clean, convenient, water-proof, insulation, shock-absorption, it is still widely used in our daily lives.


       Due to technical factors, the recycling and re-utilization of Styrofoam is very low. In Hong Kong alone, over 100 tons of Styrofoam has been discarded in landfill everyday. Styrofoam, as well as other plastics, is not only hard to be dissolved, but also buoyant on the water, and therefore places a huge burden on the nature, either in the ocean or on the land. California Coastal Commission pointed out that the Styrofoam is the major buoyant in the ocean. Floating Styrofoam may be swallowed by fish or turtles. And they cannot dive once they have eaten Styrofoam because of its buoyancy. Some of aquatic creatures will starve to death because their digestive systems have been blocked by subjects such as Styrofoam.


       It is not only harmful to the environment; it is also harmful to human bodies as well. Styrofoam is made of styrene polymerization; simply put, it is styrene compound. This compound is not harmful to human bodies. But the styrene monomer is toxic, and it would damage the central nervous, kidney, and liver. During the process, bad quality Styrofoam easily leaves the residual styrene monomer, which poses a threat to humans. In addition, the Styrofoam does not endure high temperature and acid. If the temperature exceeds 75 to 95°C, Styrofoam will be smelly and deformed. The acidity of lemon and orange will corrode Styrofoam. The popular pastime snack and drink enjoyed by the people in Hong Kong, such as western toast and hot lemon tea, if put in the Styrofoam containers, will not be enjoyable anymore. Besides, most of Styrofoam is not suitable for microwave oven, for its harmful effect to human bodies is no less than melamine.




       For Styrofoam, there are four suggestions:

  1. 自備餐盒 Bring your own lunch box
  2. 現在市面上已經有許多發泡膠的代替品,如:植物纖維餐盒、紙餐盒等,但都比不上自備餐盒,自備餐盒可以減少廢棄,減輕堆填區的負擔。

    There are many substitutes available to replace Styrofoam, such as plant fiber meal box, paper lunch boxes… etc, however, they are not as good as one’s own lunch box in term of environmental protection. Using one’s own box can alleviate the burden imposed on the landfill.

  3. 選用別的餐盒 Use box other than Styrofoam
  4. 如果不方便自備餐盒,則選擇一些並非使用發泡膠的餐廳,市面上有不少的餐廳都改用了可再利用的塑膠餐盒,那些餐盒可於微波爐使用,在回收上也比發泡膠方便。

    If one’s own lunchbox is not convenient, try to patronize those restaurants that do not use Styrofoam. There are many restaurants who switch to reusable plastic containers, and these containers can be used in microwave ovens. The recycle of this material is easier than Styrofoam.

  5. 向餐廳反映 Refection of your opinion to the restaurant
  6. 消費者有權利向餐廳反映,建議他們棄用發泡膠,改用其他材質的器皿,因為地球是你和餐廳東主共同擁有。

    onsumers have the right to suggest what kind of food containing material they want to dine with. So ask the restaurant management to switch to non-Styrofoam material for food containers. We have the right to do so because this earth is owned by both you and the owners of the restaurants.

  7. 把這段短片傳出去 proliferate this video clip…
  8. 以下是一段由慈濟大愛台所拍的短片,簡述了發泡膠對環境和人類的影響,把這個網址傳給你的朋友和家人,讓更多人知道這個訊息。

    It was a great love from the Tzu-Chi from Taiwan by making this short film, a summary of Styrofoam’s impact on the environment and human beings. Pass this website to your friends and family members, let more people know about this message.


    Refuse to use Styrofoam (polystyrene foam as known by Taiwan)





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