Correct the Wrong Concept of

Using Cruel Mouse Traps

糾正人們殘酷捕鼠的價值觀 (English)


Source from 资料來源 :
Chinese Translator & Editor 中文編譯 : 韋琪 Joan Wai

大力推介 : 人道捕鼠器 / 善待動物協會生活用品目錄

如要購買,請點擊 :

$11 each , 2 to 99 $10 each

美金11元, 購買 2 個以上, 每個美金10元

Humane Mouse Trap / PETA Catalog

With much of the country experiencing frigid temperatures, who could blame a tiny mouse for seeking refuge from the winter in a warm, cozy house? But when it comes to our own homes, most people aren’t willing to share even a few inches of their square footage with rodents. If you have uninvited guests of the rodent variety in your home, please be humane. There’s no need to resort to glue traps, snap traps, poisons, or other torture devices. In fact, these cruel methods are ineffective, because more mice will simply move in to fill the void left by those who were killed.

很多人都經歷過寒冷的滋味, 誰又可以责備一隻只不過在寒冬下尋找温暖避難所的小老鼠呢? 但是, 當這小老鼠來到我們的家居時, 許多人都不願意與這小小的嚙齒動物分享甚至只是數吋平面的地方! 如果你家中真的來了這些不速之客, 請你人道一點! 千萬別採用黏膠陷阱, 誘食夾鼠板, 捕鼠籠, 毒藥或其他折磨動物的裝置. 事實上, 這些殘酷的方法是不收效的! 因為這些老鼠死去, 其他鼠群便輕而易取的搬進空間來.

Instead, you can save lives and money by making a humane live trap from materials that you probably already have around the house. Check out this nifty suggestion sent to us by a PETA member. If you use this method, be sure to check the trap frequently, since trapped mice will be hungry, thirsty, and frightened, and they could die if they are left in the trap too long!

你可以救活生命, 同時也能節省金錢. 您只需運用一些你家中已經具備的材料, 自我動手 造一所慈悲捕鼠的活捉器! 你可以研究一下附圖的聰明提議, 這是由善待動物協會的一位會員送來的發明. 如果你用這個方法, 記得必須時常檢查一下捕鼠器. 因為被捕的老鼠會饑餓, 口渴及惶恐. 如果任牠留在捕鼠器中太久, 會引至死亡!

After you release the whiskered wayfarer safely outdoors, you’ll want to make sure his or her friends and family don’t pop in for a visit by rodent-proofing your house. It’s really easy—all you’ll need is a caulking gun, a flashlight, and a little determination. Mice and other rodents usually enter homes through tiny cracks and gaps in the foundation and floors, under doors, and around windows. By sealing these up, furry visitors won’t be able to get into your house. Bonus: Doing this will also help make your home more energy-efficient by preventing warm air from escaping through these openings, which saves you money on your heating bill. Yet another way that it pays to be animal-friendly!

當你把這長着鬍子的過境旅客安全的放到户外後, 請把自已的家居打掃整潔, 不再吸引鼠蟲. 使到這客人的親友不再來造訪! 其實很簡單, 你所需要的只是一支填隙槍, 一根手電筒, 以及一些決心! 老鼠以及其他的嚙齒類, 通常是透過地基, 地板, 窗門的小洞或小隙走進屋内. 只要把這些隙縫封起來, 毛茸茸的訪客便無法進屋了! 這特好之處是 : 你的家居會更加節能與環保, 避免了暖氣由這些空隙漏出, 這樣可以節省暖氣的支出, 更是慈悲善待如斯靈性有情動物基本的修養 !!



Is it just me, or does killing uninvited houseguests seem inhumane? After all, you wouldn’t use a cruel trap on your annoying friend if she showed up for an unexpected guest. Here are the top five reasons to be nice to mice:

相信不單是我認為把家中的不速之客的老鼠殺死是極不人道, 你也會這樣想吧! 無論如何,你是不可以用如此殘酷的圈套,去對待這些不請自來的朋友. 以下是為何善待老鼠的五大理由:

1. Glue is for crafts, not creatures. Gruesome glue traps cause animals to slowly dehydrate or suffocate to death. Many mice become so desperate that they chew off their own limbs in an attempt to free themselves.

1. 黏膠是用來做工具勞作的, 不是用來對待動物的. 地獄黏膠陷阱會讓黏著的動物慢慢的缺水或窒息而死.很多老鼠由於太絕望了, 甚至把自己被黏著的肢腿咬斷, 企圖逃脫!

2. Poison isn’t pleasant. Poisoning causes a painful death to mice and any cats, dogs, or other animals who either ingest the poison by mistake or eat the bodies of rodents who have been poisoned.

2.毒藥絕不是好玩的! 毒藥會讓老鼠痛苦死亡.貓狗或其他動物咽下了毒藥,或吃了被毒死的鼠蟲, 也會同樣中毒身亡!


3. Snap traps can prolong suffering. All mammals, regardless of species, have the same capacity to experience pain and terror. And snap traps, which are not always released on target, can cause plenty of both.

3. 誘食夾鼠陷阱會延長痛苦感受. 所有哺乳類的動物, 不論是什麼類別, 都同樣可以感受痛苦與驚惶. 捕鼠籠或誘食夾鼠板通常都不會在一捕捉後便馬上移走, 這樣會延長老鼠更大的痛苦與驚怖!


4. Violence is in vain. When mice are killed, more will move into the newly vacant niche. Effective, humane methods of rodent control do not target the animals themselves, but rather, they target what attracts animals to certain areas. Mouse-proofing your house is as easy as denying mice access to food and a place to nest.

4. 趕盡殺絕是不見成效的! 當一群老鼠被殺除後,其他的鼠群會移居到空置區域.有效控制鼠蟲的人道方法是: 不針對動物本身, 但却針對什麼把鼠蟲吸引到這地方來! 應把自己的家居整潔至不吸引鼠蟲, 這才是最容易杜絕老鼠來覓食及作窩的最佳良方!


5. Mice are nice. Friendly and highly intelligent, mice are just as smart as dogs and can even recognize their names and respond when called. Much like us, mice are highly social creatures. They become attached to each other, and they love their families. Mice enjoy playing, wrestling, and sleeping curled up together.

5. 老鼠是和善的.老鼠是友善而又是高度聰颖的動物, 牠和狗一樣的靈智! 牠們甚至可以記得自已的名字, 當你喚牠的名字時, 牠即時能反應! 和我們一樣,老鼠是高度的群居動物.牠們互相依附, 愛護家庭.老鼠很愛玩耍, 摔鬥, 也喜愛與鼠伴扭作一團睡覺!


Mice and rats are often forced into human environments when their natural habitats are lost to development. We owe it to these gentle, interesting animals to do all that we can to peacefully coexist with them. So the next time these little rodents raid your ramen noodles, be kind—live-trap and release them outside.

小老鼠和大老鼠常常因為失去牠們能發展的自然棲居地, 而被迫走進人類的環境去.我們對這些柔和有趣的動物實在虧欠太多了..... 為何非要趕盡殺絕呢?! 我們應該是可以與牠們和平共處的! 因此 下一次, 當這些小動物侵襲你的粉麪時, 請仁慈一點: 用人道捕鼠器活捕, 然後把牠們釋放回户外去!


You can help ! 你可以幫助 !

Please ask ShopRite to stop selling glue traps and tell the CEO,Joseph Colalillo, that you won’t shop there until all glue traps are removed from the shelves !

Or click to the following link to fill out the form which sends an automated letter to the company. Urge the CEO to stop selling glue traps immediately !

請告訴ShopRite公司的總裁Joseph Colalillo, 要求該公司馬上停止出售黏膠捕鼠阱, 假若他們一天不把所有黏膠陷阱從貨架上移走的話, 你是不會再光顧該公司的! 請登入下列網頁, 填上您的姓名地址, 由善待動物協會把您寶貴的信息直接寄给該公司的總裁 ! 網頁如下:



結語: 不少佛教徒常專誠特意買物放生, 但是,如果我們多加留意周圍一切有情眾生, 及關愛周遭的弱勢動物, 不難發現,動物渴求我們拯救的慘叫聲, 真是俯首皆是!

多少挨凍, 受傷, 抱病或懷有身孕, 在深夜雪地上行走的流浪貓; 及身不由已, 終其一生關押在狹窄的籠裡, 不斷被人壓榨配種的母狗; 又如被擠養在極狹小的容器內, 供人玩賞裝飾的魚兒; 永被禁錮喪失飛翔權利的籠中鳥; 實驗室內長期被破腹開腦, 要生不得求死不能,久延殘喘,供人類做種種科學實驗的悲惨動物; 又如我們在本文中談論的那些身強力黏膠陷阱的老鼠, 牠們發出歇斯底里痛苦的哭嚎聲, 你們都聽到了嗎? !

如果我們都能為這些動物請命, 或嘗試從不同的渠道去打壓那些喪盡天良的商家如皮草業, 出售專門配種繁衍猫狗的寵物店等等. 幫助動物解困脫離險境, 為牠們爭取應有的福利權益. 那比買物放生更為迫逼, 更為重要及實際啊! 這就真正達到無為而為的放生精神了!

Conclusion: Many Buddhists often purchase different kinds of animals on purpose for Mercy Release. Actually, if we pay more attention to the sentient beings around us, or if we pay more consideration and love to helpless animals, then you would easily discover that there are screams for help from these animals anywhere!

Examples include stray cats walking in the cold mid-night on ice, and those that are injured or with illness or pregnancy; Female dogs with non-stop pregnancy enforced by breeders and confined in narrow dens for their whole lives to produce puppies; Fish squeezed in small containers just for decoration or toys; Birds confined in cages that have lost the right to fly in the sky; Poor animals in laboratories used for all kinds of scientific experiments that struggle for survival and have neither the right to live nor die by suffering from the enforced surgeries performed on their brains or bellies lasting for a long period of time; And of course, mice that are caught in the gruesome glue traps that we discussed in this article.

Have you ever heard the cries of those dying or defenseless animals in hysterical pain?!

If we are willing to speak out for those animals by attempting through different channels to stop or repress those cold-blooded and heartless merchants that cause animals to suffer such as fur farmers and pet breeders that sell cats and dogs from enforced reproduction, we can release animals from danger and suffering and fight for their rights and benefits. This is much more important, critical and practical than buying animals for Mercy Release and is a way to attain the actual goal of Mercy Release in its true spirit!

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