

引人公憤, 喪盡天良的皮草業!

Utterly devoid of conscience of the fur industry which courses public anger!

皮草是用動物的生命及無法承受的劇烈痛苦所掠奪得來的一種罪惡的奢侈享受 !! 這些動物無故的被兇殺實在沒有必要 (人們若要取暖, 其實可以用合成物料, 這會更保暖且便宜), 商人只為了圖利, 而消費者只不過是想藉以炫燿自己的浮華及奢侈罷了!

Fur is a deadly luxury that animals can't afford!! They are killed not out of necessity (for example to keep people warm: synthetic materials are warmer and cheaper), but just for the merchant’s benefit and also for the buyer’s shallow vanity and lavish showing-off.

我們總希望教育自己的小孩道德仁義, 知書達禮, 可是我們卻欺凌弱小, 啖食其血肉不止, 竟用如斯兇殘手段掠奪牠們的皮毛, 以滿足購買者的時尚虛榮

-------- 我們豈不是戴著虛偽面具的假道學?!

We wish to educate our children to possess a moral value and sense of justice, to be able to tell right or wrong; nevertheless, we are doing something just opposite to the value we try to set up; we bully the defenseless animals by eating their meat, skinning their bodies for their fur, for showing off our lavish life styles --- aren’t we a bunch of masqueraded hypocrites?





Fur industry, destroying the ecological environment

皮草的生產是會危害生態, 製成一件貨真價實的皮衣,約為製造人造皮草所需能量的20倍。因為皮草所使用的化學防腐處理, 使皮草比自然皮草更難在地球上消失分解。使用這些化學品的過程同樣是危險的, 導致水,土環境均受污染!!

The production of fur will jeopardize the ecology. To make real valuable leather, the energy it consumes is about 20 times the energy needed for manufacturing an artificial fur. Due to the fact that the fur had been treated with anti-corrosion chemicals during fur processing, this makes the chemical treated fur even harder than the natural fur to decompose biologically. The process of using these chemicals is also dangerous, leading to water, soil pollution of the environment.

皮草養殖場每生產一張貂皮,就會產生帶來約20千克的糞便。根據2002年全球屠宰貂的數目( 約為3,100萬隻 )來計,養貂場每年製造出約684,000公噸的糞便。其中最影響深遠的,是產生近43,000公噸的磷,嚴重破壞了水源生態系統.

For producing a mink, fur farm will generate about 20 kg of manure. According to the 2002 survey, the numerous number of the world's mink slaughtered (about 3,100 million), mink farms generate about 684,000 tons of manure annually. One of the most far-reaching implications, is to produce nearly 43,000 tons of phosphorus, which has seriously undermined the water ecosystem.


請點擊以下網站查閱更多有關皮草業資料.( 有中, 英, 法, 德, 意等多國語文 )
Please check more information about Fur Industry on





不是你能買賣得起的皮草!! The Fur You Can't Afford !!


Please help us to proliferate the horrible truth of how animals were brutally massacred and slaughtered for the sake of fur product business!!

