An Inconvenient Truth


王希亮 中英編譯


  1. 不願面對的真相 – An Inconvenient Truth
  2. 地球的未來 – The future of the earth
    • 美國航太總署 (NASA) 最新預測 (2007/12) ,北極冰層將於 2012 年 夏天前全部融化
      According to NASA’s report of global climate on Dec, 2007, due to the greenhouse effect, the polar ice cap and its thick layer will be completely melt down by the summer of 2012.
    • 如果這群全世界最頂尖的科學家對北極融化的預測是正確的,那麼人類只剩下數年的時間來避免這場大災難; 我們可以說, 人類正坐在一枚已經啟動的定時炸彈上.
      If the prediction stated by this group of top-notch scientists is correct, mankind on this earth has only a few years left to avoid this tremendous catastrophe to come. We might as well say that we are sitting on an already detonated time-bomb.
    • 北極冰層可反射 80% 的太陽光,使陽光返回外太空
      The floating pack ice over the artic ocean can reflect 80% of sunlight, which repels the heat of the sunlight back to space.
    • 而若冰層全部融化,不僅地球的溫度將會上升到非常驚人的地步,北極永凍冰層當中的有毒天然氣及沼氣,將足以令 所有人 致命
      If the artic ice cap were completely melt down, not only the temperature on the earth may rise to an extremely high degree, and besides the melting ice mount in the Arctic permafrost might cause a huge volume of toxic natural gas and methane, which is lethal enough to annihilate entire mankind.
    • 2 億 5 千萬年前,海底沼氣的釋放,造成 90% 以上的生物物種滅絕
      Just about two hundred million years ago, methane gas released from the seabed caused the extinction of 90% organism species.
    • 海水溫度升高的影響: The effect of rising temperature in ocean:



  • 只要海水溫度升高攝氏一度, 地球表面三分之一的水源會流失
    As long as it rises 1° C, 1/3 of water source on earth surface will be gone.
  • 海水溫度升高攝氏二度, 歐洲大量居民會中暑而亡,以及三分之一的物種會瀕臨滅種
    Rising 2° C, large European population will die of heat stroke, and 1/3 of organic species will be extinct.
  • 海水溫度升高攝氏三度, 亞馬遜熱帶雨林蕩然無存,超級颶風襲擊城市, 非洲會有大飢荒.
    Rising 3° C, the rain forest along Amazon will vanish; while the super hurricane sweep the cities; famine spread throughout the entire Africa.
  • 海水溫度升高攝氏四度, 永凍層失控地快速溶解, 至少有伍千億噸的有毒氣體由北極冰原釋放出來
    Rising 4° C, Arctic permafrost layer will rapidly melt down and release at least 500 billion tons of toxic gas from the frost tundra.
  • 海水溫度升高攝氏五度,人類茍延殘喘,逐食而居形同野獸.
    Rising 5° C, survived mankind will be reduced to their primitive nature as foraging animals that can only think of food and survival.?
  • 海水溫度升高攝氏六度, 地球生物完全滅絕, 唯一能幸存的大概只有微生物的菌類.
    Rising 6° C, all organic species on the earth will be completely annihilated except probably the simplest form of micro-organism.

  1. 北極冰層的變化
    The changing artic ice layer (with animation)
  2. 北極冰層面積自從1979 年以來急遽減少
    The artic ice layer is diminishing at very high rate since 1979.
  3. 誰是造成氣候暖化的頭號殺手 What causes most of the global warming effect?
    • 1. 二氧化碳 -- 在大氣中會持續百年以上 Carbon Dioxide – will persist staying in atmosphere for more than hundred years
      • 聯合國糧農組織(FAO)2006年十二月發表的報告,全球十億五千萬隻牛群,是室溫效應氣體的最大元兇,牛群的屁和排泄物所排出的二氧化碳,佔總排放量約 20% ,而飼養牛所需的種植牧草,製造肥料,運輸處理等過程中,所釋放的二氧化碳又佔了9%, 較汽車、船舶、飛機等交通運輸工具總排放量還多.
        According to a report on Dec. 2006 by UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, the 1.5 billion cattle on the earth is the number one cause of global warming effect: cattle’s fart and feces or manure composes 20% of total emission into the atmosphere. Besides, the planting grass for breeding cattle, fertilizer manufacturing, transportation of live stock, and meat processing, all contribute to the emission of carbon dioxide which accounts for another 9% of the total amount; more than the sum of emission produced by all automobile, vessel, and airplanes.
    • 2. 甲烷 methane
      • 畜牧業的排放量佔全球總量的37%(三分之一), 而甲烷的熱能上升效應是二氧化碳的 23 倍
        Livestock accounts for 37%(about 1/3) of overall emission of methane into atmosphere, and the heat rising effect of methane is 23 times of that of the carbon dioxide.
    • 3. 其他的廢棄, 包括氨及氧化亞氮 Other gaseous waste emission, including ammonia and Nitrous oxide
      • 畜牧業 佔 65% 的氨排放量.其熱能上升效應是二氧化碳的 296 倍 ?
        Livestock accounts for 65% emission of ammonia, whose heat rising effect is 296 times of carbon dioxide.

以上這些氣體在大氣層中就如極厚的毯子, 把日光的熱能困在地球的大氣層內, 造成地球溫度不斷上升,導致溫室效應.
The above gas emission in the atmosphere is just like a very thick blanket which wraps around the globe like a heat sink inside the atmosphere, causing the ever increasing temperature on earth and leading to a greenhouse effect.

  1. 綜合各項研究報告所得的結論: ?summarizing the conclusion from all sources of study:
    • 聯合國 2006 年氣候變暖報告:畜牧業 養殖產生的溫室氣體遠遠多於汽車和卡車,環境的頭號威脅是牛隻而非車子
      According to UN’s 2006 report on global climate change, livestock breeding business emit more greenhouse gas than automobiles and therefore is the primary threat to the environmental protection.
    • 聯合國糧食及農業組織( FAO ) : 畜牧生產 是造成當今最嚴重環境問題的最大責任者之一
      According to UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), livestock breeding is responsible for serious environmental problem.
    • 芝加哥大學: 產生1 卡洛里動物蛋白所需消耗的能源及釋放的二氧化碳, 相當於生產同樣1 卡洛里的植物蛋白質的10 倍。換句話說: 生產一人份肉類所需的能源相當於生產十人份的蔬菜水果類的能源。
      Chicago University study reveals: the energy to produce1 calorie of animal protein is 10 times more than 1 calorie of plant protein.? In other words, the energy to produce one unit of meat is greater than the energy to produce 10 units of vegetable or fruits.

所以地球的未來,是趨向光明,還是走入黑暗? 你可以決定….The future of our globe is bright or dark will be determined by YOU!
全人類自救之道. Salvation of the mankind!



  1. 聯合國最新的呼籲 (2008 年 1 月 ) ???The latest appeal from United Nations on Jan. 2008.
    • 2007 年諾貝爾和平獎得主暨聯合國氣候變遷小組 (IPCC) 主席帕喬里建議:
      The 2007 Nobel peace price winner, the United Nations chairman of panel on climate change (IPCC), Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri suggests:
      • 不吃肉, stop eating meat!
      • 不開車, 騎腳踏車 stop driving automobile; riding bicycle!
      • 少消費, reduce consuming!
    • 他說:「這是 IPCC 早先不敢表達,不過現在公諸於世的概念。」
      He said: “This is the earlier idea that IPCC would not reveal explicitly to the public, and now I reveal it to the world!”
  2. 其中那項是最重要的呢? Among these suggestions, which is the most important?
  3. 答案是 ~~ 不吃肉?? Answer is – stop eating meat!
  4. 為什麼「不吃肉」為首要建議? Why “stop eating meat” is the primary suggestion?
    • 肉是排碳量高度密集的商品。
      Because meat is the product of highest concentration of carbon emission.
    • 生產 1 公斤 的肉,會排放 36.4 公斤的二氧化碳(生產、運送、處理…), 相當於連續開車三小時。
      For every kilo of meat, it causes the emission of 36.4 kilo carbon dioxide (breeding, transportation, slaughtering, and processing), equivalent to the emission of continuous driving an automobile for 3 hours.
    • 畜養和運送 1 公斤牛肉、豬肉和羊肉所消耗的能源, 相當 於點亮一個 100 瓦燈泡將近 3 周。
      The energy consumed for producing a kilo of beef or pork or lamb, is equivalent to light up a 100 watt light bulb for 3 weeks.
    • 砍伐森林,將之轉為放牧用地
      Destroy the forest and convert it to be cattle grazing land.
    • 聯合國糧食及農業組織: 伐林取地 ,每年產生 5 兆 2 千 9 百 10 億磅二氧化碳,70% 的 亞瑪遜雨林 砍伐作為牧場之用, 每 5 秒鐘 , 我們就失去如 足球場般大 的雨林面積。
      FAO: Deforestation generates 5291 billion pound of carbon dioxide annually, and 70 % of Amazon rainforest is deforested for pasture, we are losing the rain forest of the size like a football field every 5 seconds.?
    • 每秒產生八萬六千磅動物排泄物 ,為美國所有人口排出量的一百三十倍 ;高濃度排泄物 污染水源、空氣,並破壞土壤表層。
      Animal excrete waste at a rate of 86 thousand pound per second, which exceeds 130 times excretion of entire US population.?? A high concentration of fecal pollutes water, air, and destroys the land surface.
    • 個人若棄葷 茹 素,每年可減少 1.5 公噸 之二氧化碳排放。
      If everyone is giving up meat and becomes vegetarian, the emission of carbon dioxide can be reduced at least 1.5 tons per year.
    • 一個肉食者每年排放的二氧化碳將近1500公斤, 而素食者只有430公斤。
      A carnivore may emit over 1500 kilo of carbon dioxide annually, while a vegetarian only emits 430 kilo per year.
  5. 肉食造成的危機 The crises caused by carnivore (meat eater)

    • 缺水及水質污染 ?shortage of water and pollution.
      • 我們的湖泊 , 河水混和了一堆極可怕的有毒物質,而飼養場排出的廢水,正是水源污染的最大兇手。
        Our lakes and rivers are mixed with many toxic substances; most of pollution is coming from animal farms.
      • 據估計, 人類 70% 用水量是用在餵食經濟動物。動植物的耗水量比較如下:
        According to statistics, farm animal feeding accounts for 70% of human water consumption. ?The following is comparison of water consumption between animal feeding and plant irrigation:
        一磅牛肉:需要 2,500 加侖的水;To produce one pound of beef , it needs 2500 gallons of water.
        一磅番茄:需要 29 加侖的水;To produce one pound of tomato, it needs 29 gallons of water
        一磅全麥麵包139 加侖的水。To produce one pound of whole wheat bread, it needs 139 gallons of water.

        同樣生產一磅食物,生產牛肉所需的水,為蕃茄的 86 倍,近全麥麵包的 18 倍。
        For the same quantity of food, the water required to produce beef is 86 times of tomato; 18 times of whole wheat bread.
    • 地表土壤流失和沙漠化 loss of surface soil on earth and desertification.
      • 人們用土地放牧 , 而砍掉所有的樹木 , 導致土壤失去穩定性
        People used land for ranching by cutting down trees, resulting in loss of stability of the soil.
      • 大量的牛羊踏在土地上 , 擠掉土裡的空氣 , 久而導致 沙漠化
        A large number of cattle and sheep step on land, squeezing out earth’s air, which led to desertification in a long time.
      • 撒哈拉沙漠 , 曾一度是肥沃的土地 , 如今沙漠化卻每年南移三十公里
        Sahara used to be a fertile land, but today its desertification is moving southward at a rate of 30 km per year.
    • 生物正急速瀕臨絶種, 因大量畜牧 , 不斷地破壞環境 , 一年最多有 150,000 種 生物瀕臨絶種( 平均每一小時就有 17 種生物瀕臨絕種 !)
      Many biological species are endangered due to the large number of livestock, destroying the environment. On average, 17 species are about to be extinct in each hour.
    • 糧食短缺 food shortage.
      • 美國 80% ~ 90% 的穀物拿來餵食經濟動物 , 人類再食用牠們
        80~ 90 % of grain is used to feed economic animals that are later eaten by human beings.
      • 美國農業部指出 , 人們有 50% 的土地飼養家禽家畜 , 只有 4% 的土地拿來種植蔬果
        USDA pointed out, that 50% of land are used to raise poultry and livestock; only 4% of land are used to grow vegetable and fruits.
      • 據統計每一畝土地可以生產 20,000 磅的馬鈴薯 , 但只能生產 165 磅的牛肉 ( 比例是 121:1 )
        Statistically, for each acre of land can produce 20 thousand pound of potato, but produce 165 pound of beef. (the ratio is 121:1)
    • 因此每天有二萬四千名孩童餓死 ,有十億人口遭受饑餓及營養不良之苦。
      Because of that, there are 24 thousand children dying of starvation everyday; and one billion of people suffer hunger and malnutrition.
    • 全素飲食者僅耗費肉食者 5% 的資源 ,換句話說,原可餵養 20 位素食者 的食物,只能餵養 1 位肉食者 。
      Vegans consume only 5% of the resource of meat-eaters; in other words, for every meat-eater, the same resource can feed 20 vegans.
    • 如果您曾為非洲飢餓的難民感到難過,如果您曾捐款想要幫助他們,是否想過,您在大口吃肉的同時,也吃掉了其他 19 位嗷嗷待哺,正在生死邊緣掙扎人們的食物?
      If you have ever felt sad for the hungry African refugees, or if you have thought of make donation to help them, have you ever thought of this: when you are chewing off a big chunk of meat, you are also lavishing the amount of food enough to supply other 19 people who struggle at the brink of deadly starvation?

  1. 你想過嗎? Have you ever thought about this?
    • 每年超過 4,200 億 的動物被殘忍的宰殺; 換句話說, 每天有超過 11 億的生命 , 被無辜的奪走生存的權利(數目相當於 全球人口的 1/5 )
      More than 420 billions of animals are brutally slaughtered every year; in other words, more than 1.1 billions of animals are exploited of their rights to living. (this is 1/5 of human population on the earth).
    • 如果,我們為 911 事件喪生的 2,000 多人 感到遺憾;如果,我們為南亞海嘯死去的 30 萬 生命而心痛,那麼,面對每天 10 億 以上的生命無辜死亡,您如何能無動於衷,安心地將牠們的屍體送進您的嘴中?
      If we mourn for the tragic victims who died of 911 terrorist attacks, or if we grieve about many lives lost in the south Asian tsunami in 2004, then, when facing the death of more than 1 billions of lives everyday, how can you remain indifferent and put their dead bodies into your mouth?

  2. 肉食背後的真相 The truth behind the meat consumption
    • 在美國與紐西蘭,大部分的動物被飼養在工廠化養殖場中。
      In US and New Zeeland, most of animal are kept in factory-like breeding farms.
    • 養殖場的目的:以最少的成本達到最大的產量。動物的身心 每分每秒都承受著極大的痛苦, 擠在骯髒又不見天日的 狹小空間 裡,無法與家人相聚,看不到陽光,呼吸不到新鮮的空氣 ,一直到被載上卡車待宰的那一天為止, 超過 九千萬隻 動物遭受這種不人道的對待, 許多動物是在清醒的狀況下 被割喉而流血致死。
      The purpose of these animal farms is to maximize the profit with the minimum cost. Animals suffer physically and mentally every moment. They are squeezed in the dirty and narrow space; they cannot be with their family members; they cannot see sunlight and breathe fresh air; they live in this condition until the day they are trucked to the slaughter house. More than 90 millions of animals are treated this way, and many are slit throat and left bleeding to death while they are still conscious.
    • 他們這樣對待禽類: This is how animal farms treat poultry:
      • 剝奪食物長達 十四天 之久,使他們的身體產生恐慌反應而生產更多的蛋,以供人類食用。小公雞對肉品業毫無用處,因此每年有 一億隻 小公雞被活活碾碎,或被棄置於袋子裡悶死在屠宰場中,雞隻被割了脖子後,有許多還 活生生地就被浸在滾燙的熱水中 ,以便拔除身上的羽毛
        Being deprived of food as long as14 days, their panic reaction may produce more eggs for owner’s profit in consumer markets. Because the cockerel (male chick) is useless in poultry market, more than 100 millions are crushed alive or disposed in a bag and smothered to death. After slitting their throats, many chickens are submerged in boiling hot water while still alive, for feather removal from the bodies.
      • 他們這樣對待小牛: This is how they treat the calves:
        使小牛增肥而肉色不變,肉質鮮嫩而不形成肌肉, 出生後立刻離開母牛,住進小牛棚,無法轉身,無法用舌頭舔身體, 以減少活動來增加脂肪,終生生活在黑暗中,許多小牛因而 失明。
        To make calf grow more tenderly fatty flesh instead of forming muscle, they are taken away from their mothers and lock them into a cowshed, where they cannot move around, nor can they lick their bodies. The purpose is to limit their activities so as to grow more tenderly fatty meat; many live in darkness and finally become blind.
        肉色維持白色的要點: 貧血 ?How to maintain pale looking meat? Anemia
      • 喝水? No!!  小牛的飲料=脫脂牛奶+脂肪 Water, no! Their drink is skim milk + fat.

    • 牧場經營者為了幫牛隻做記號以易於辨認,就直接用熱火鉗烙在牛皮上,造成 第三度灼傷。
      Ranch owners brand cows or bulls with hot tongs directly on the skin, and this causes 3rd degree burn injury.
    • 在完全 沒有麻醉 的情況下,小公牛的睪丸從陰囊中被剝除。(只因閹割後的牛,脂肪含量較高!)
      Under no anesthesia, the small bull’s testicles are stripped from scrotum. (just because the castrated bulls grow more fatty meat)
    • 放牧牛隻的土地上瀰漫著化學藥劑,這些煙霧造成他們慢性呼吸系統的問題,致使 呼吸變得困難。
      The grazing land is filled with chemicals, and this chemical smog damages their respiratory systems and causes dyspnea for them.
    • 他們這樣對待母牛: This is how they treat cows:
      讓專門供應牛乳的母牛 不斷地受孕;小牛被帶走,原本要給小牛喝的牛奶卻供人類飲用。
      They force the milk-producing cows to get pregnant frequently; new born calves were taken away because the milk of mother cows is for profit making, not for the new born baby calves.
      她們每天有好幾次被接上擠奶器,經由 基因控制 法、 強效賀爾蒙 及 密集擠奶 , 被迫生產比自然產量還多十倍的牛奶, 引發令她們極度痛苦的乳腺炎,有高達 50% 的乳牛深受其苦。
      Cows were connected to milking machines many times on daily basis. Through genetic manipulation method, powerful hormones intake, and intensive milking, cows were forced to produce more than ten times than the natural production of milk, so that 50 % of cows in milking farms suffer extremely painful mastitis.
    • 這些是牛的食物:These are the cattle food.
      關進柵欄的牛隻們-吃粗飼料 、穀物、高濃縮蛋白質(通常由農場病死動物的屍體研磨而成 ,包括 牛肉 !)
      Ranched cattle eat rough fodder, grain, high-protein concentrates (usually coming from the ground bodies of dead animals, including beef!)
      荷爾蒙 :與類固醇相似,且會導致人類致癌. Hormones: similar to steroid, is carcinogen for human.
      Antibiotics: many antibiotics are harmful to human health.
      雞糞 也是牛的食物之一! Even the manure from chicken are part of cattle food.

  1. 肉食是不健康的飲食: 肉食=化學藥劑+農藥+荷爾蒙+抗生素+……
    Therefore, meat are unhealthy diet : meat = chemical agents + pesticides + hormone + antibiotics
    • 肉食是下列疾病的致病原因:Meat diet leads to the following diseases:
      • 直腸癌 colon cancer
      • 心臟血管疾病 heart and vascular disease
      • 乳癌 breast cancer
      • 糖尿病 Diabetes
      • 高血壓 high blood pressure
      • 腎功能衰退 renal dysfunction
  2. 乳癌也與油脂消耗量高度正相關 (圖表B) ?Breast cancer is also highly correlated with fat consumption.
  3. 攝護腺癌也是! Also true for prostate cancer!
  4. 動物性油脂消耗量與死亡率亦步亦趨! Animal fats consumption is closely proportional to the death toll.
  5. 為什麼人類一定要吃肉呢?Why we human have to eat meat?
  6. 愛因斯坦認為素食者所產生性情上的改變和淨化,對人類都有相當好的利益,所以素食對人類很吉祥。
    Albert Einstein admits that through vegetarian diet, purification of man’s temperament is beneficial to all human being; therefore vegetarian will bring harmony and peace to mankind.
  7. 孫中山:「夫素食為延年益壽之妙術,已為今日科學家、衛生家、生理學家、醫學家所共認矣,而中國人之素食,尤為適宜。」
    Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of Republic of China, indicates that vegetarian is the key to longevity, has been proved by modern scientists, health professionals, and physiologists, especially the Chinese style of vegetarian diet.?
  8. 甘地:「我覺得,當心靈發展到了某個階段的時候,我們將不再為了滿足食慾而殘殺動物。」
    Gandhi pointed out that when our mind is developed to certain level, we no longer kill animals in order to satisfy our appetite.
  9. 史懷哲:「有思考能力的人,一定會反對所有的殘酷行徑,無論這項行徑是否深植傳統,只要我們有選擇的機會,就應避免造成其他動物受苦受害。。」
    Dr. Albert Schweitzer asserted that people with ability to think will certainly oppose all acts of cruelty, regardless of whether the act is deeply rooted in tradition, as long as we have the opportunity to choose, we should avoid causing suffering of other animals.
  10. 蕭伯納:「動物是我的朋友, 我不會吃我的朋友。」
    George Bernard Shaw said: “Animals are my friends, and I will not eat my friends.”
  11. 畢達哥拉斯:「人為了餵養無常的身體,而咀嚼帶血腥的肉;這與吞食我們的客人有什麼區別?」
    Pythagoras said: “If mankind devours the bloody flesh in order to just maintain their impermanent bodies, what is different from devouring out guests?”
  12. 愛默生:「即使屠宰場隱密的藏在百里外的地方,你只要吃了肉,就等於是共犯的行為。」
    Ralph Emerson snorted:” So long as you have eaten meat, even the slaughterhouse is hundred miles away, you are still complicity.”

除了不吃肉,在生活方面,您還可以做些什麼?In addition to stop eating meat, what else we can do to save the earth?

食的方面 Regarding to eating habit.

1. 自備水壼:一個瓶子重複使用20次,可節省1/3的二氧化碳排放量。
* Bring your own water container; a bottle can be reused 20 times before discarded, and this can save 1/3 of carbon dioxide emission.

2. 吃多少,點多少:吃剩下的食物約佔廚餘的3%; 吃多少煮多少,可大量減少二氧化碳。
* Do not order more than you can eat; food leftover accounts for 3% of kitchen waste disposal; cook as much as you need, for cutting down carbon dioxide.

3. 買當地生產的食物。Purchase local products as much as possible.

衣的方面 Regarding to clothing

1. 冬天多穿一件毛衣,夏天少穿一些衣服。
Wear a sweater in winter; wear less cloth in summer.

2. 舊衣的回收:舊衣仍有許多利用方式,您不需要的東西,也許就是別人的寶物。
Recycling old clothes: make a good use of materials; something you don’t need may be best suited for others.

3. 選購天然纖維製的衣服:化學合成纖維材質的衣服,在製造時需使用大量的石化原料,過程耗費大量能源,又產生大量污染。
Purchase natural fiber clothing; because manufacturing chemical synthetic material clothes require a large amount of petrochemical raw materials, and consuming great deal of energy to process, accounting for huge environmental pollution.

住的方面 Regarding to residential housing

1. 減少使用一般燈泡:將一般燈泡換成省電燈泡,一年可減少68公斤的二氧化碳產生。
* Replace standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs; it may reduce 68 kilo of carbon dioxide per year.

2. 隨手關燈:未使用的電器插頭拔離插座。
* Turning off the light if not used; unplug the electric cord of appliances from the socket when not used.

3. 確實做好資源回收分類:只需減少一半的家庭廢棄物,每年就可減少1088公斤的二氧化碳。
* Make sure to assort the recycling materials; as long as every family reduces their waste by half, we can cut down 1088 carbon dioxide generation per year.

4. 自備購物袋,避免買過度包裝之物品:降低10%的垃圾量,每年就可減少544公斤的二氧化碳產生。
* Bring your own shopping bags, recycle and buy minimally packed goods as much as possible; so as to reduce the waste by 10%, which leads to decrease 544 kilo of carbon dioxide every year.

5. 少用消耗能源大的熱水:可藉由裝設低流量的蓬蓬頭來減少熱水使用 (每年可減少160公斤的二氧化碳產生), 用冷水來洗衣服(每年可減少230公斤的二氧化碳產生)。
* Use less hot water which consumes energy. Install a low flow shower heads to use less water (this can help reducing carbon dioxide by 160 kilo annually). Using cold water for laundry can decrease generation of carbon dioxide by 230 kilo per year.

6. 冬天暖氣調降2度,夏天冷氣調升2度,一年可減少約907公斤的二氧化碳產生。
* Adjusting your thermostat - lower by 2 degree in winter and higher by 2 degree in summer, it can reduce 907 kilo of carbon dioxide.

行的方面 Regarding to transportation

1. 多走路,騎單車,共乘或搭乘公共運輸工具。*Walk, bike, carpool, or using public transportation whenever possible.

2. 買省油汽車,輪胎充氣,汽車常保養:車輛將可增加3%的里程數;每省4公升的油,可減少9公斤的二氧化碳排入大氣層中。
* To buy fuel-efficient automobiles; to inflate the tires, keep car maintenance frequently; all these can increase 3% mileage for each car. For every 4 liter gas saving, we can reduce 9 kilo of carbon dioxide emission into atmosphere.

其他方面 Other

1. 認明環保標籤,購買節能商品:Identify eco-label, purchase energy-efficient products.

2. 愛用再生產品:use recycled products.
* 再生紙漿的製造,比原生紙漿約可減少75%的空氣污染,35%的水污染.
Manufacturing the recycled paper pulp can reduce 75% air pollution, 35% water pollution.
* 再想一想這個吧:一公斤紙=2.7公斤木材+130公克石灰+85公克硫+40公克氯+300公升的水
And think about this: 1 kilo of paper = 2.7 kilo lumber + 130 kg lime + 85 kg surfer + 40 kg chlorine ?+300 liter water.

3. 多種一棵樹,保護森林,綠化地球:Plant a tree to protect forest and maintain green earth.
* 每一棵樹在生長期間可吸收1000公斤的二氧化碳 Each tree can absorb 1000 kilo of carbon dioxide

4. 加入環境保護組織並身體力行:Join the environmental organization and take action.
* 鼓勵自己的家人朋友也加入減緩全球暖化的行動*Share these simple steps with friends and family to proliferate the awareness!

Maybe you read these messages, and feel very depressed. However, we do not intend to cause you discomfort, and regret. Nevertheless, through this revelation, we may reflect our past and yet there is a great responsibility bestowed upon us.

如果您愿意,世界將因您而改變!If you will, this world can be changed by you!



背景歌曲:Heal the World

詞/曲/唱: Michael Jackson


背景歌曲簡介:Heal the World 这曲被许多人公认为 Michael Jackson 公益性歌曲三部曲之一,更被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”.1991年创作,是为了配合流行之王-迈克尔杰克逊自己的同名慈善组织所作.一开头一个孩子的声音说道: 沉思那潮生潮灭,世代更迭 ,说吧说我们想要 ,想要为孩子们和他们的子孙营造更美好的家园,让他们明了,他们活在一个较过去更加美好的世界, 从而让他们坚信,他们也可以营造一个,愈加美好的世界。以下是部分歌词:在你心中有一片净土,我知道那里充满了爱,这个地方会比明天更灿烂...如果你真心关怀生者,营造一些空间,创造一个更美好的地方,拯救这世界, 让它变得更好,为你、为我,为了全人类.......2003年,Michael获得诺贝尔和平奖提名,这是他继1998年后第2次获得该奖项的提名,以奖励他孜孜不倦的慈善事业和通过音乐的方式喚醒人們關注地球所取得的成就.这是一首关于儿童、地球、爱心的优秀作品,词曲都是由迈克尔·杰克逊一手包办的。歌曲一开头,便是孩子们的嬉笑声、哭声……这也许是让我们从歌曲中体会到童真的可贵和重要性。迈克尔·杰克逊唱出了发自内心的心声。用心去聆听,就能体会歌曲当中流露出的情感。迈克尔·杰克逊的唱腔有点像女声,但这正是他唱功的独到之处。他的声音似乎来自另一空间,纯洁而又充满童真。正是这样,他用这纯洁的歌声洗净了每颗心,挖掘了人心的善良。听了“Heal the world”之后,也许你会感到周围是充满爱心的,感到改善这个世界的任务是重大的。我想只有世界没有了战争,儿童才是幸福的,地球才是美丽的。 这首歌可以算是一首老歌,但给人的感觉很多,给人们留下的思考也很多……我相信只有心中有大爱的人才能写出这种作品!
