T&H USA Group Inc., located in New York, USA, is an enterprise specializing in commercial, industrial and municipal wastewater treatment. We conduct leading water filtration technology research, produce and distribute full-service water purification to meet the highest standards of environmental control. T&H USA Group Inc. works with the most advanced equipment, including a wide range of monitoring and testing machines. Everyone in our research and development team is extraordinarily-skilled; they invented many groundbreaking wastewater treatment technologies, and contributed immensely to the protection of our environment. With our patented technology, we produce unique Hydrogen-rich water machines, water bottles, and water cups, satisfying the standards of the World Health Organization. T&H USA GROUP,Inc.坐落于美国纽约,是一家集专业水处理 技术、废气处理技术和富氢水生成器研发、生产与销售于一体的健康环保企业。 本集团设备先进,各类监测仪器齐备,并拥有一支理论强而扎实,专业技能超群和年轻的研发团队。发明了多项专利技术用以高效处理污水,为保护我们的生态环境作出贡献。同时利用本集团的专利技术,生产和销售富氢水直饮机,富氢水壶,富氢水杯,富氢水淋浴器和洗手盆专用富氢水生成器,确保用家饮用水质达到世界卫生组织定立的健康标準。该富氢水专利技术为国际上首创。 本集团承接各类废水处理工程,我们的专家会以客人要求和实地的数据设计。严格监控各项处理程序,碓保排放水质达到国家定立的苛严标準,完全满足客户的要求。在客户中赢得了良好的声誉。 |